Mar 7, Working in France
Working in France is an experience worth having. Due to my standard of french vocabulary, finding work in France was quite difficult. But a friend came up with a perfect solution for me.
Reel French fishing on Public Waters
Working in France is an experience worth having. Due to my standard of french vocabulary, finding work in France was quite difficult. But a friend came up with a perfect solution for me.
The King Cake or La galette des Rois, is a cake celebrated at Christmas. My son, Sam absolutely adores this cake,……
Learn how to speak french ! Why not ! Learning french doesn’t have to be a task. Recognising your learning style will help you choose the best course for you.
French wines are famous throughout the world. There are regional favourites still being made using traditional methods and they can be as distinctive as the area they came from.
French vegetable recipes are normally made with fresh ingredients that add colour and texture to any french recipe
Fresh ingredients are an essential part of making the best french soups. A selection of regional soup recipes from all over France.
French salads use fresh ingredients in their traditional french recipes. Seasonal dishes eaten throughout France at any time of the year
French fish recipes are in abundance all around France, they love seafood dishes, any type of fish will do! they’re not fussy.
The best french desserts recipes usually involve fruit. Their cakes, tarts, flans and even breads are the best known in the world.